
Dr Ditch has performed at all levels of emergency management during his vast career.  His duties have ranged from EMT to Incident Commander, assisting with incidents of various sizes, including mass casualty.

courses Taught

Dr Ditch has enjoyed a fulfilling career of teaching courses for various agencies in the field of emergency services.  Such agencies include, but are not limited to, DHS, FEMA, National Fire Academy, George Washington University, American Public University, National Disaster Life Support Foundation (NDLSF), National Association of EMTs, and American Heart Association.

Dr Ditch's Experience

Conference Presentations

As a well-known speaker with extensive experience in the field of emergency services, Dr Ditch has been sought out by organizations all across the country to share his expertise.  Starting in 2002 and continuing to the present day, Dr Ditch enjoys presenting at a wide variety of venues from coast to coast.


In addition to field operations and public speaking, Dr Ditch's career boasts of a broad spectrum of writings as well.  He has been a contributing author to published books, completed various research studies for publication, reviewed books, and contributed articles for various publications.