Synaptic Services

1. Incident Management Team:  Position support in Incident Commander, Planning Section Chief, and Public Information Officer duties in support of All-Hazards operations to include, Natural Disasters (Experience in Earthquake, Winter Storm, Hurricane/Tropical Storms, Tornado Outbreaks), Terrorism, Search & Rescue, Public Health Emergencies.

2. Emergency Services Curriculum Development: Develops curriculums for clients specific to Emergency Medical Services/Mass Casualty, Fire Service, Incident Management, Public Health, Terrorism, Disaster Response, and Hospital HAZMAT and Disaster Response/Patient Decontamination. 

3. Emergency Services Training & Educational Program Development and Program Evaluation: Evaluates and recommends organizational Emergency Services education and training programs; facilitating the professional development of individuals and collective response capabilities of the organization. 

4. Emergency Services Course Delivery: Conducts a full-range of Emergency Services related courses. For a complete course list go to 

5. Exercise Management: Creates and evaluates Emergency Services and Disaster Exercises. Includes Terrorism, Mass Casualty, Disaster Response, and Fire/EMS related programs. Can coordinate with peer/partner companies for Law Enforcement, Active Shooter, Public Information, Aircraft, and Public Health/Pandemic training and exercises. 

6. Emergency Services/Contingency Planning: Prepares organizational/jurisdictional plans and conducts plans reviews; providing critical input to betterment of contingency/disaster plans. Facilitates Table Top Exercises and Executive/Department Chief Forums; facilitating plans/organization, testing, and evaluation. 

7. Emergency Services/Public Safety Consultation: Provides consultative services in the areas of Disaster/Mass Casualty Response, Incident Management and Terrorism/Disaster Planning and threat/vulnerability analysis 

8. Disaster & Emergency Response Support: Provides Joint Planning Assistance Team (JPAT) support and spin-up training during sports/major events and during/following disasters and other emergencies; conducting protracted Incident Action Planning support to Incident Command Posts or Emergency Operations Centers; at the state, county, local or functional (including hospitals or university/college, Department Operations Centers). 

9. Incident Management Organizational Development: Conducts organizational incident management development and training; increasing the responsiveness, agility and resiliency of the organizations to disasters and other emergencies. 

10. After-Action-Review/Hot Washes: Facilitates Exercise, Event, and Incident After-Action-Reviews and On-Scene Host Washes/Incident Debriefs; supporting the need to capturing Lessons Learned and turning them into Lessons Remembered; so they can be translated into planning and experience to become Lessons Applied in future contingencies/incidents, events, and exercises.